1.prayer unedited: 9/18/09; 12:30 pm; Rexburg; f 2.6; 1/15
2.prayer edited: cutout with quick selection tool; refined edges
I decided to take a picture of this little figurine because it is one of my favorite “cute” things that I own—it used to be my Grandma's—and I just love the simplicity and the elegance of it. I thought it would make for a nice, clean cutout. After I cut it out with the direct selection tool and refined the edges with a light feather, I brightened it a little in Photoshop.

I like this cut out because you used a white object. I think that in many ways it is hard to get white objects to look good on a white background. You did well. It is not washed out and it does not get lost in the background.