1.angel: 10/26/09; 12:30 am; Rexburg; f 3.2; 0.3
2.tree: 10/27/09; 12:15 pm; Rexburg; f 3.2; 1/500
3.apple: 10/28/09; 4:15 pm; Rexburg; f 3.5; 1/1000
4.sky: 10/29/09; 3:45 pm; driving from Rexburg to I.F.; f 7.1; 1/800
5.railroad tracks: 10/30/09; 5:40 pm; Idaho Falls; f 2.6; 1/160
6.lamppost: 10/31/09; 1:40 pm; Rexburg; 3.5; 1/1000
7.michael and mom: 11/1/09; 5:50 pm; Rexburg; 2.6; 1/60
This assignment was really cool and kind of frustrating at the same time—frustrating in the sense that instead of taking the majority of my pictures over the weekend, which I typically do, I had to remember to make a little time every single day to take some shots. Then it was hard to narrow it down and select my final seven because it always seemed that on a day I had a shot I really liked, I would have at least three or four other shots that I really liked. And instead of being able to replace those with pictures from other days that didn't turn out so great, I just had to choose the best one from every day. Overall, I found it to be a fun challenge and I actually really did like having to take pictures every day because it forced me to pull out my camera more than I normally would.

Cindy I really love your pictures. Great color and composition. The tree, the apple, and the railroad and tracks have a nice angle. I love the sepia of Michael and your guys mom, is an adorable picture. Good job I always looking at your pictures.
ReplyDeleteI really like these photos. My favorite is of the railroad tracks. The sunset is really eye-catching! The picture of Michael your mom also has really good lighting, and that can be really difficult. Great job!
ReplyDeleteCid, ehehe, I thought you'd read this... You're still the best. Your photos are perfect. I hope you showed mom that one of her and I, I bet she'll love it. Great editing also on your layout. You sure know how to clean things up and make them look better, you also always know how to pick the best fonts. Great job Cid.
ReplyDeleteI love the symmetry of the images. It worked from flattest to most vibrant, then back down. It really pulled you through the week arc. Very good use of design.
ReplyDeleteWow you and I took amost the same shot. Its the one with shooting up the tree and into the sky. I like all your shots and can tell that you like taking outdoor shots including the sun and clouds. Your pictures are great and interesting.